Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 721 - 730 of 3154
November 1, 2020
Nexus letters by doctors at the VA?
Jim, Can you point me to the authority or legal cite that says that physicians at the VA can sign nexus letters.
October 30, 2020
VA Run Around?
Jim, Thank you for your service. VA notified me that decision has been made. Advised to to to E-Benefits.
October 29, 2020
Agent Orange Cancer?
I am a Vietnam vet and have been exposed to Agent Orange.
October 29, 2020
Child Support?
My husband moved out almost two year ago and has been receiving dependents compensation for me and our three children but hasn’
October 29, 2020
My dad was a Veteran. He died about 13 years ago. I came across a Last Will & Testament in some of his old belongings.
October 28, 2020
Discharge Upgrade
I was treated for depression due to ED while serving.
October 28, 2020
Changing Fiduciary Appointment?
Can I change my current fiduciary to somebody that I trust? Can I get full benefits for myself?
October 25, 2020
Medical Malpractice
Years ago the VA completed cataract surgery on my left eye, since then I continued to have problems because the lens was placed
October 23, 2020
TDIU and Civil Service Retirement
Hi Jim, I have 27 years of federal civil service. If I get IU from the VA, what happens to my retirement?
October 23, 2020
IMO Doctors?
Can you provide contact info for the three doctors on your on your watchdog site for HMO letters.