Nexus letters by doctors at the VA?


Jim, Can you point me to the authority or legal cite that says that physicians at the VA can sign nexus letters. I only get care through the VA and I need a nexus letter to support my claim. Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

VA physicians can sign anything but they aren't required to. In other words, if your physician believes in your goal and the data is there in your record, the doctor can opine on that. Having said that, VA caregivers don't want to get involved in your benefits and ratings because their job is to practice medicine.

VA doctors know very well that as soon as word gets out that they'll help with your paperwork they won't have time for anything else. 

In any case, we don't talk about nexus letters these days. The nexus letter has been mostly replaced with the DBQ and the IMO. VA is fussing about the DBQ at this time but it's still a legit way of providing medical evidence in support of your claim. The IMO is a thorough review of your records where the expert physician opines as to the likelihood of service connection and degree of disability.

You can learn more about DBQs and IMOs by clicking this link