Cómo: apelar el rechazo de sus beneficios de veterano ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones para las Reclamaciones de Veteranos de los Estados Unidos
Elpropósito de este salón de clases es ayudarlo con su proceso de apelación de una resolución de la Junta de Apelaciones de Veteranos (BVA) que rechaza su reclamación de beneficios del VA. Esperamos que esto lo haga sentirse más seguro sobre cómo lidiar con el sistema legal.
¿Es este salón de clases para usted?
Puede usar este salón de clases si:
Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act
Citizenship for Spouses of Service Members
Disability Claims Based on PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] is often a cause or contributing factor in disability claims filed by veterans.
A July 2010 VA rule makes it easier to receive those benefits if you have PTSD as a result of events or circumstances in military service.
Calculating Military Retirement Pay
The Department of Defense has created a special website page to help individuals calculate how much military retirement pay will be available to them.
DD Form 293 - Application for Review of Discharge from the Armed Forces
Department of Defense Form 293 is used to request an upgrade of a military discharge from the appropriate discharge review board. You can access a fillable PDF version of the form here.
Citizenship for Military Members and Veterans
Can I become a U.S. Citizen based on U.S. Military Service?
Under certain circumstances, service in the United States armed forces will allow someone to become a U.S. citizen. This may be true even if you are not a lawful permanent resident (in other words, even if you have never had a “green card”). This may be true even if you have not not lived in the United States.
Army Grade Determination Review Board
The Army Grade Determination Review Board determines or recommends the highest grade satisfactorily held for service/physical disability retirement, retirement pay, and separation for physical disability.
The website includes information about eligibility and the application process to request review.
Are you unable to get to a VA facility?
Benefits at Separation Chart
Many benefits are available to veterans upon separation from the military. However, some benefits may not be available if a veteran has received "bad paper." "Bad paper" is a discharge status that is an other than honorable discharge, a bad conduct discharge, or a dishonorable discharge.