Benefits at Separation Chart

SS Disability claim

Benefits at Separation Chart

Many benefits are available to veterans upon separation from the military. However, some benefits may not be available if a veteran has received "bad paper." "Bad paper" is a discharge status that is an other than honorable discharge, a bad conduct discharge, or a dishonorable discharge. Attached below is a list of benefits available to veterans upon separation from the military based on…
A DD Form 214 on a wooden table.

Many benefits are available to veterans upon separation from the military. However, some benefits may not be available if a veteran has received "bad paper." "Bad paper" is a discharge status that is an other than honorable discharge, a bad conduct discharge, or a dishonorable discharge. Attached below is a list of benefits available to veterans upon separation from the military based on discharge status: honorable, general, other then honorable, bad conduct, and dishonorable.

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