Health & Safety
Topics covered include health insurance, medical care & leave, and filing claims based on MST, PTSD, or TBI.
Interactive Form - Durable Power of Attorney
This easy to use interactive form will produce a sample Durable Power of Attorney form.
Family Guide to Traumatic Brain Injury
Due to the nature of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), family members play a crucial role in the rehabilitation of a wounded warrior. Indeed, some estimates indicate that as much as 80 percent of the total lifetime care that is provided to a TBI victim is given by that individual’s family. Thus, it is essential that family members have the tools they need to provide the best care possible.
Sexual Assault in the Military: Where to Get Help
As the media focus on this issue intensifies, the military - and others - have ramped up their efforts to create safe places for victims to turn. Here are links to the resources we have found.
Safe Helpline: Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community
Discharge Problems Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury
Receiving either a bad conduct discharge or a personality disorder discharge can result in serious negative consequences for a person suffering from a TBI or PTSD.