Interactive Form - Durable Power of Attorney

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Interactive Form - Durable Power of Attorney

This easy to use interactive form will produce a sample Durable Power of Attorney form. 
A computer generated image of a series of papers layered on top of each other. The top paper is a check list with red check-marks on it.

Durable Power of Attorney

This easy to use interactive form will produce a sample Durable Power of Attorney form. 

A Durable Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal way to have one person act on behalf of another if you should become incapacitated. A Durable POA remains, or becomes effective, if you become incompetent. Incompetent means that you are unable to manage your affairs. 

A Durable POA must contain exact language stating that your intent is for the agent you select to act on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Without that language it will not be valid if you do become incapacitated. 

Any type pf  Power of Attorney document gives someone authority to act on your behalf on matters that you list in the document. The power can be specific to a certain task or can cover many duties including financial and medical. The power can start immediately or only after some event occurs such as the principal becoming mentally incompetent. A power of attorney does not take away your right to act on your behalf. 

Power of Attorney can end either by setting a specific date for it to end, if the agent or principal dies or if the principal revokes it in writing. You can revoke a Power oAf Attorney by giving written notice to the agent. If a Power of Attorney is durable, and you become incompetent, only the court can revoke it during the time you are incompetent. This could happen if an interested party petitions the court on your behalf, alleging that the attorney-in-fact has violated his or her responsibilities.

The Durable Power of Attorney is a very powerful document. Note that these forms and instructions are provided only as samples. Speak to your local Judge Advocate General's Corps office for more specific information.

  • Interactive Form Packet currently unavailable.
  • Sample Form Packet is attached.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must have Microsoft Word or Word Viewer installed on your computer to use the interactive form packet. You can download Word Viewer for free here.
You must have Adobe Reader to view the sample form packet. You can download Adobe Reader for free here.
Resource Date: November 2015



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STATIC FORM PACKET- Power of Attorney - Durable_0.pdf377.76 KB 377.76 KB