
Information on VA benefits, Social Security benefits, how to files claims, and how to appeal denials.



Just got letter from veterans evaluation service (VES) to do a record review only on my prostrate cancer disability. Have you heard of them?


Jim's Reply:

Yes, I've heard of VES. VES is a contractor that provides compensation and pension examination services to your VA. They're legit and you should do what you can to help them develop your record. 


Bladder Cancer


Hi Jim, My question is about the new coverage for bladder cancer agent orange related. I had a non invasive non malignant tumor removed in 12-2020, then a reoccurrence of several more high grade non invasive tumors removed 5-2021 followed by a chemo treatment. VA has ruled I’m rated for 0% compensation for my benign tumor. Shouldn’t the surgeries and chemo fall under the 6 month total disability rating even in tumors that are non malignant? Thanks for your help.


Jim's Reply:

I agree with your conclusion. Were I you I'd appeal all this with the help of an accredited veterans law attorney. Good luck. 




My husband was in the navy from 1962 -1968. Is he eligible for any benefits? He was a radioman. His ship was a fleet oiler.


Jim's Reply:

I'm sure he has all sorts of benefits he's eligible for. You and he can explore here 


Physical Disability Review Board

A disabled veteran may be eligible for military disability benefits, Social Security Disability benefits, and VA disability benefits. Read information about the differences here.

Military Disability Retirement and Severance Pay

If you were separated from the military due to a medical issue, you may qualify for Military Disability Retirement benefits or severance payment. Read more about those benefits here.

PTSD Claims?


Researching PTSD claims originating from the USS Ticonderoga during the VN era. Are you aware of any?


Jim's Reply:

I can't say that I'm aware of any such claims. That's a pretty specific request that covers many years and thousands of souls and I'm not at all sure that information is going to have been recorded as such. Men who served and then years later filed a PTSD claim aren't going to be found cataloged in a database somewhere.

You can try searching appeals at the BVA site. Enter a couple of key words that relate to what you're searching for and you'll get a report based on your search terms. Good luck.


Effective Dates?


I filed a supplement claim for agent orange related hypothyroidism. Will the effective date be the date I filed the first claim in 2016? Since the rating has changed, I think in 2019, what rating would I fall under - the old or the new?


Jim's Reply:

It depends. Were you denied the claim in 2016? Did you appeal and keep it open? Have you reopened the claim?

In any case, if you were denied then you should go ahead and refile today. Once you've done that you can talk about retro pay.

There isn't a new or old rating...the ratings haven't changed, only whether or not hypothyroidism is recognized has changed so get your claim in and we'll see what happens. Good luck sir.


Industrial Solvents?


Hi Jim I am doing some research for a veteran I represent. Have you by any chance ever come across any data with the specific ingredients contained in the original formulary of PD680 before it was replaced with PRF 680? Any information you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

There are so many solvents that we used it's hard to keep track of all of them. Benzene, Acetone, PCE, TCE...there are many more. I used Trichloroethylene to clean steam pipes of autoclaves in the hospital where I worked and we thought little of safety precautions.

Since I worked in the operating rooms at  the 98th General Hospital, we had access to Ether...another powerful cleaner (and anesthetic)...not recommended because it's highly came in lead and tin cans so it couldn't spark and explode.

Cosmoline was a petroleum based substance that the Army coated everything (particularly weapons in storage) with and the only thing that would take it off was a rag dipped in a gallon of TCE and a lot of elbow grease.

I doubt that I have any knowledge of solvents that you haven't already seen. I did a quick search and this was new to me and may be similar to what you're looking for.

For what it's worth, any time I want to help a veteran service connect TCE or other solvent exposure I go straight to an IMO. The Independent Medical Opinion by a board certified expert shouldn't be underestimated when it comes to winning claims. TCE and other solvent exposure and a given disabling condition can be a hard one to pin down without an expert opinion. 

Good luck!