P & T
I have been receiving 100% disability for 6 years due to lung cancer from Agent Orange. That cancer was removed. My award letter said for residuals. I am 78 years old. The benefit letters I receive every January always states I am being paid at 100%. Nowhere have I ever seen the words permanent and total. l applied at the beginning for the property tax exemption as well as car tags. I get all my meds from VA at no cost. I live in Tx. My question is: Am I P & T and should I apply for it? I haven't had a C & P since 2016. Thank you, sir.
Jim's Reply:
You're in the situation many veterans find themselves in today. VA rates all service connected cancer as a temporary condition apparently believing in a model where every cancer is definitively cured and every veteran goes on to live a happy, productive life after the trauma of having had a life threatening disease. VA doesn't compensate for the psychological trauma of having lost a lung unless you file for it and fight for the benefit.
It is highly unlikely that you have converted to a permanently disabled status without your knowledge. The process for that to happen would be for you to attend one of your 'future exams', the C & P you should be getting every year or two. At an exam it's up to the examiner to opine whether or not your 100% rating should be permanent because your disabling conditions are static without a reasonable chance of improvement.
What usually happens at the future exam is that the examiner finds that your cancer is cured and you are to be rated on the residuals of your treatment. If you lost a lobe of a lung to a service connected cancer you would be offered a Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) or similar and your final rating would depend on those test results and your C & P exam. You can bet that your rating wouldn't be 100%.
I always advise against trying to make a temporary 100% permanent because there is no regulatory path to do that other than to appeal your current rating. If you try to make it permanent today it's very likely that you'll get a prompt C & P exam and and up with a 40% rating.
Since you didn't tell me what happened when you applied for tags and an exemption, I'm going to have to guess those were denied because you don't have evidence of a P & T 100% rating and that's always a requirement.
If you are able to access your eBenefits account, try this: Go in and print your benefits letter and see if you can manipulate the text to say that you are permanently rated at 100% disabled. This can take a bit of computer expertise so if you aren't comfortable doing this, get a tech savvy friend to help. The benefits letter generator allows us to print a letter for tax and other purposes that says clearly we are 100% P & T...unless we aren't.
If you can print that letter, you're done. If you can't, you may want to accept the fact that VA is a year and more behind in catching up to C & P exams like yours. The pandemic shut down VA exams for a while and they're still trying to recover from that so patience is not an option.
In a nutshell, your best bet is to continue being paid at 100% even though you may not enjoy the tax benefits of a 100% P & T rating. You're better off than if you were to fuss and end up with a 40% rating. Good luck sir.