

Sir, I am retired military, 100% disabled through VA, accepting a civil service position which I know you may retire at 10 years. Can I still collect Social Security at the end as well?


Jim's Reply:

Since I'm not sure which civil service position you may be accepting with which department or agency or what you're rated for, I can't promise that this is 100% accurate but in very broad terms, your 100% VA schedular rating won't interfere with federal employment benefits.

I have to fudge my answer just a bit because some federal agencies have unique rules about interactions with other agency's disability ratings, substance use, criminal history and social media use. If you're rated for PTSD by VA your potential employer may have an issue with you carrying firearms as part of the job, for example. I once had a potential employer tell me they would hire me as soon as I could get a doctor's letter saying that my 80% VA disability rating wasn't really all that and I wasn't seriously disabled. I didn't get the job.

As you enter into the maze of benefits of federal employment you should make it a priority to learn all about the fine print of your particular position and employer. I know of people who spend a lifetime in the system and at 30 years they're shocked at their past mistakes when planning retirement. The feds offer tons of education for employees, take advantage of all of it. Good luck!


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