Military Records

Request Military Service Records or Prove Military Service

Service members and their families sometimes need to request new copies of the important records documenting military service, including the DD-214. 

It is very important to use the official Department of Defense records in proving eligibility for benefits.  Beware of private companies that advertise to get these records outside the usual process.  

The best way to request these documents is from the National Archives website  There is one process for the service member and a different one for family members and others.

Help Obtaining Military, Health and Education Records

Mark Sullivan is a lawyer practicing in North Carolina and national expert on military divorce and many of the important legal protections available to servicemembers and their families. He is also a member of the StatesideLegal Advisory Board.

While written in 2011, the information in this article is still helpful in identifying some of the hurdles you may face when trying to obtain military, medical, or educational records from the government.



July 2018


Submitted by admin on Thu, 05/20/2010 - 16:52

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