Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act

Overview of Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

A brief overview of SCRA legal protections for activated servicemembers, with links to more details.

SCRA and new Private Right of Action

The Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 (PL 111-275, 124 Stat 2864) added an important new provision for service members who have been harmed by a violation of the federal Service Members Civil Relief Act.

Under Title VIII Civil Liability §802, the law provides:

(a) In General - any person aggrieved by a violation of this Act may in a civil action --

A computer generated image of a series of papers layered on top of each other. The top paper is a check list with red check-marks on it.

Waiver of SCRA

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides several protection for active duty military members, including the potential to delay a lawsuit. However, a servicemember might want a case (such as a divorce) to move forward quickly and so they would like to waive that protection. It's possible to do that and you can read here for more information.
A photo of people, from the knees down, wearing camoflague uniforms and tan combat boots.

The American Veterans and Servicemembers Survival Guide

The Veterans and Servicemembers Survival Guide is a detailed 600 page guide originally printed in 2009. Read more to access the guide and learn more about what it has to offer.

Protecting Your Finances -- Info from the CFPB

Servicemembers, veterans, and their families …

Are an attractive target for both good and bad lenders:

  • Many lenders know the UCMJ requires you to maintain good finances.
  • You are easy to find, so lenders are confident they can collect debts you owe.
  • Your military pay represents a steady income that could be garnished.
  • Military families often start young, leading to big money management decisions by first-time decision makers.

Face unique risks:

  • Deployments, change of duty stations, and emergencies lead to unplanned and unique financial difficulties without adequate resources to resolve them.
  • Your loyalty to your service leads marketers to tie their pitches to the military, a strategy called “affinity marketing.”
  • Frequent relocation can mean unforeseen expenses and a lack of familiarity with the local environment.

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau offers detailed, user-friendly consumer information for military families on how to protect their finances and how to plan for the future.

When Does SCRA Apply? Reservists, Delayed Enlistment Program, and Post-Service

SCRA coverage for servicemembers outside of the typical active duty classification.
A scale on a table in a courtroom

SCRA Claims: How to Get Attorney Help

Learn more about the provision in the Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 that should make it easier for you to find a private attorney in a SCRA claim.

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