You have 120 days from the mailing date of your final BVA decision to file an appeal. The Court cannot usually extend this time, so file your appeal as soon as possible!
- Complete the Court’s Form 1 (Notice of Appeal) and send it to the Court
- Submit the one-time $50 filing fee or ask the Court to waive the fee by filing the Court’s Form 4 (Declaration of Financial Hardship)
- If you cannot download these forms from the links above, you can request them from the Court at the address below or call The Veterans Consortium and they can send them to you
- If you are coming close to your 120 day deadline, you can write your own Notice of Appeal to the Court
- Simply write on a piece of paper (hand written or typed): “I want to appeal my BVA decision dated _______”
- Make sure you include your name, current mailing address, phone number, email address (if you have one), and your VA Claim number
- You do not need a lawyer to file the appeal
- Note: You can only appeal a final BVA decision that denied some or all of your requests for benefits
Don’t forget the 120-day deadline for filing. Mail, hand deliver, or fax the completed form(s) to:
Clerk of Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
625 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 900
Washington, DC 20004-2950
P (202) 501-5970
FAX (202) 501-5848*
*If the Appeal is faxed to the Court, contact the Court to confirm that the Notice of Appeal is received. The Court is not responsible for faxed, but unconfirmed, Notices of Appeal.
Send your Notice of Appeal Form directly to the Court. Do not send it to the VA!
- A Notice of Appeal will still be on time even if the Court does not receive it within the 120-day deadline IF you mailed it to the Court’s correct address AND it contains a legible U.S. Postal Service postmark dated within the 120-day time limit.
- Regular, first class mail is fine. You do not need to send it express mail, priority mail, or certified mail.
- Note that a Federal Express, UPS or other delivery service date stamp, or foreign postal service postmark, does not count, and if you send your Notice of Appeal in any of these ways, the date the Court actually receives your Notice of Appeal will be your filing date.