Don't Leave Money on the Table: Tax Credits and Public Benefits

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Don't Leave Money on the Table: Tax Credits and Public Benefits

Are you getting all of the tax credits and benefits you qualify for? Use our checklist to find out.
Photo of a calculator, papers and pens on a table

For a veteran leaving the military, the idea of becoming a civilian can be overwhelming. One of a veteran's biggest concerns is how they are going to pay for everyday living expenses. Fortunately, there are many programs available to veterans that will pay them money even after they leave the service.

Each state has its own programs. Many states run these programs through a Health and Human Services or Social Services office. Others, like Social Security and Tax Credits, are run by federal agencies. If you are unsure of what programs are out there or where to apply for them, contact your nearest legal services office.  Or find many programs in your state listed here

See list below of several major benefit programs that exist in all states. Follow the links to learn more. Again, find out about other state-specific programs from your nearest legal services program or their website.

Perhaps the single most important thing a servicemember can do is prepare for civilian life by applying for the benefits that they have earned through their service. Unfortunately, many veterans do not know what is avilable to them, and end up leaving money on the table. Do not let that happen to you! Review the programs below and take advantage of your benefits. You earned them.

NOTE: These benefits are in addition to any military-related benefits you may qualify for. Go to our library of Veterans Benefit information.  Or learn more from the VA website: VA's Benefits Guide  or comprehensive list of VA benefits

June 2012

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