Additional claim?


I am already receiving compensation for Ischemic Heart Disease at 60%.I have been receiving it for 12 years. I have put in an additional claim for prostate cancer due to Agent Orange. Will that effect my original claim for heart disease? 


Jim's Reply:

You've done the correct thing by putting in a claim and have no worries about your existing rating. The heart disease isn't remotely connected to the prostate cancer so there won't be any debate about cause and effect of symptoms and so on.

If you elect 'watchful waiting' for the prostate cancer (no treatment at all) you'll have a 100% rating that will last until you have the cancer treated. Many men are electing no treatment at all depending on their age and overall health. If that is you you'll have a 100% rating + the 60% rating and that means you're eligible for the housebound benefit...even if you aren't actually housebound.

This housebound benefit will put a few additional dollars in your pocket with no fuss.

Good luck sir.


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