Two Ratings?


Hi, Jim, I am double service connected. I have a 100% schedular rating and I am rated TDIU P&T. My question is, does this mean I am also considered 100% P&T even if it doesn't say it in my letter? Would there be any benefit or liability if I tried to get VA to drop the TDIU P&T and just rate me at 100%?


Jim's Reply:

I'm going to assume that you're looking at your eBenefits account and that you see both ratings. I'll also assume you're only being paid for a single rating. This is an all too frequent occurrence on eBenefits and the fact is that you aren't rated with both. If you're being paid for one rating only, you don't need to do anything.

If you're being paid for both benefits, don't spend the money...VA will want it back eventually. Good luck.


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