Other Than Honorable


It's been a very long time since I was in the army in Stuttgart Germany. I was in during the Vietnam era. I was only 18. I suffered a very traumatic tour in Germany and was discharged early. I didn't get in any trouble, but was subjected to many unchecked tragic moments. I was not given council nor advised what was happening to me. I did not want to be short changed in my service credit or classification and was promised, or at the very lease told, I would be receiving a regular honorable discharge. I just shut down and never spoke to anyone about my disagreements with my separation. I was never explained why or what was being said and how it was done. I know it's way too long for anyone to care but I will say that if my case had been explained to me, I wouldn't have agreed to anything less than a full discharge. I never had or caused any problems. What happened was done to me!!!!!!! My dad was an honorably discharged WW2 veteran and my brother was an Air Force vet. I can't even use facilities and don't have a military ID. I did serve well over there. Stuff just happened.


Jim's Reply:

I was there at the 98th General Hospital Neubrucke/Nahe, close enough to Stuttgart and probably at the same time you were. It sounds as if you had some issues adapting to the military life and you were offered and accepted a less than honorable discharge. 

If you'd like some help getting that discharge upgraded, these are the folks to talk with https://www.vetsprobono.org/   

Get in touch with them and they'll review what you've got and they'll take it from there.

Good luck!


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/other-honorable