Added Claims?


Hi, quick one. Can a C & P examiner add claims? I had GWI C & P and I only put in for IBS, but I have pretty much all the GWI problems. Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

As a general rule, no. You are the only one who may initiate a claim. The exception to this is an imputed claim where a rater may see something while processing your claim that is so obvious that the issue must be raised to the level of a formal claim. It's my experience that this is haphazard at best when viewed over the long run. I've seen plenty of claims where a disability like dandruff that was treated on active duty is rated at 0% without a formal claim being filed.

Don't laugh. Dandruff or "Helmet Hair" can be a vicious disease in the tropics and cause lifelong infections and scarring. But most of us are dispensed some shampoo and it is gone in a day or two. 

In most cases, if you don't make a formal application for a specific benefit, you won't get it.


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