I want to apply for TDUI. I’m currently rated at 80%. Due to my conditions I haven’t had a job since 2014, and the only income I’ve had was from my husband. When filling out the forms and putting the last 5 years on employment do I start with 2014 and the preceding years; and do I only use my income or my husbands combined? If so do I need to have that employer from 2014 file out my income as I only worked at the location for 1 month, or can I place my W2 from that year as proof. Thank you.
Jim's Reply:
You are the veteran, the application is about you, not your husband even if he is also a vet. He (or you for that matter) could win the Lotto and it will have no effect on your TDIU application. Only your earned income is counted. If you have lived with your husband and he has contributed all the income to support the family, that is not earned income for you. Only gainful employment income is counted here.
So, for the last 5 years that you worked. If the last year you were gainfully employed was 2014, count backwards and tell them about the preceding years.
You may use your W-2 to verify past employment. Many employers won't respond to VA requests for information (why would they?) so this isn't unusual. Don't be surprised if VA attempts to contact that employer over time and that results in delays. VA can be stubborn about attempting to collect irrelevant data and making the usual 3 attempts over a months long period while awaiting response.
Then if it comes, they lose it so...
Be sure to explain that you have been actively seeking employment but because of your service connected disabling conditions you have been denied employment. If you are able to provide any examples of how and when that's happened, you're ahead with convincing the rater you're looking for a job. For example; "During the months of July through November of last year I completed 8 job applications. Only 3 of those replied and they all seemed focused on my VA rated service connected conditions. I was not offered any accommodation, none have gotten back to me."
I've posted a really good read about TDIU and what to expect here:
Good luck.