P & T


I recently received a letter from the VA stating my conditions were static ( no future exams needed). I want to apply for TPD forgiveness on my student loans but it says you have to be 100% totally and permanent before it can be awarded. Is Static considered permanent? What options do I have?


Jim's Reply:

Your VA is infamous for obtuse phrasing of any and all regulations, awards and instructions. I've often compared dealing with your VA to how Alice must have felt when she fell through that looking glass. Up is down and Cheshire cats speak to you all while tea parties are held in your honor. You have to learn VASpeak or you will never understand them.

The term static is used by VA to denote a permanent condition. If you are 100% rated by VA and they're telling you that the condition is static (permanent) and no further exams are scheduled, you may proceed to seek dismissal of your student loans. Good luck.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/p-t-17