Ratings & Risks


Hi Jim, I am rated on multiple conditions, 65 yrs old and want to file for a secondary condition to CLD stage II (gout and hallux rigidity and sessimoiditis). If I do so, will I lose the protection of the over 55 rule of re-examination and then possible get reduced from current 80%. I am seeking to get enough extra to qualify for 90% if new condition is approved, but I don’t want to actually risk a retaliatory reduction so to speak. Thanks for your assistance.


Jim's Reply:

I don't see any risk to your plan. If you're reasonably sure the symptoms are documented in your record, go for it. However, it may be easier for you to apply for the TDIU benefit, assuming you aren't working. The TDIU benefit can cut through a lot and elevate your rating to 100% pretty quickly. Give this some thought. Good luck sir.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/ratings-risks