Dependents Benefits
My daughter was a dependent of a veteran. He is 100% disabled. My daughter turned 18 and benefits stop. I submitted a claim va21-686c because my daughter is a proven child incapable of self -support she has all her diagnosis which was sent in. I received a letter stating I couldn't apply because I'm not entitled to file a claim for this benefit. I guess because I'm not the veteran. Is there any thing I can do if the dad (a veteran) refused to file for this benefit ? Is there any benefit for my daughter that I can apply for without me being a veteran? She just started a new school program at 18, I don't want to waste my time applying if they going to say the veteran needs to file. His disability makes it so he barely understands what is going on and believes it will snatch benefits away from him. He doesn't understands his daughter really need these benefits. HELP!
Jim's Reply:
Benefits must be initiated by the veteran. You're correct that if you aren't the veteran you have no rights to sign documents for him.
You can't do any of that for him. If you look over the form you'll see that there are some specific signatures required.
Your option is to speak with an accredited veterans law attorney to learn of any options. Good luck.