Retro Pay?


If a veteran is rated 100% P&T and they win an appeal can they still receive retroactive pay?


Jim's Reply:

Yes, under some circumstances that may happen. Let's say your appeal results in your rating becoming one with 'housebound' SMC-s rating that would bump your monthly compensation up a bit.

In that case you'd be owed the back pay or the difference between the SMC-s and your usual 100% pay back to the effective date of the appeal.

That's actually just a bit unusual though and most appeals that add 10% or even 50% to your established 100% schedular rating don't add anything because of what I like to call VA Math.

The Combined Ratings Table  (CRT) is the exercise that VA uses to ensure that 10 minor (or ten 10% ratings) don't add up to a 100% disabled individual. 

You can probably determine whether or not you'll see an increase by predicting what rating you may get and then using that plus your current individual ratings and then doing the math yourself. There are various calculators available on the Internet that promise o do the hard part for you but I don't trust any of them. If you'll read the instructions carefully you'll get the hang of it in no time.

Yes, it's tedious and boring but that's the VA way. Good luck.


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