GI Bill?


I served on active duty in the Army for two years ending in June 1963. This was a "volunteer for the draft" full term. (Which I did). I received some VA education benefits for two years in college ending in 1968. I think I used the GIBill home mortgage benefit one time in about 1972 - 1974. Right now I am 40% VA disabled (hearing loss). I'm getting kind of old, but would like to get a two year degree. Do I have any educational benefits left?


Jim's Reply:

Probably not. However, over the years the education benefits that we receive have morphed into something unrecognizable by a Vietnam era vet. Benefits are greatly different for each era and the only person I know who keeps up with all that is the financial counselor at the institution you're thinking of attending. 

I refer veterans to these financial counselors at colleges all the time. The finance folks have a real interest in getting the answers right...that's how they earn a living.

I think your ambition to earn a degree at this time of your life is commendable and I wish you the best! Good luck.


P.S. from StatesideLegal

You can learn more about possible educational benefits here. The link will take you to an overview of several benefits, how to qualify, and how to apply.  Best of luck!


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