

I've been treated for Hypothyroidism for many years and am on a daily dose of medication for it. I applied to the VA for compensation due to Agent Orange exposer in Vietnam. I was given service connected status for it but I was given zero percentage because the VA says I don't have compensable conditions. I was in Vietnam. I had boots on the ground and was exposed to agent orange, what more do I need?


Jim's Reply:

I don't understand why you have a 0% rating.

As a rule, when we have a service connected condition rated at 0% it means we have a condition that could be disabling but the condition currently doesn't rise to a level of 10% disabled. This could be a healed broken arm, for example. If you break an arm in service and it heals with no deficit, you could end up with a 0% rating for that.

However...it appears that in The Schedule For Rating Disabilities that you should be rated at 30% as a minimum. I copied the relevant rule for you below.

You file a claim. This won't be difficult to do and I suggest that you DIY. When you file your claim be sure to mention that you believe your rating has been wrong since the beginning and that you want that corrected. VA will schedule you for another C & P exam and at that time you can discuss relevant symptoms of your disease for ratings.

When you've done all this you should get a bump to at least 30% and if you have any involvement of other organs (eyes, etc.) you should talk about that during the exam so those can be rated too. If there are any symptoms of myxedema, your rating should be at 100%. If you are also diabetic, be very cautious of the interaction between your diabetes and hypothyroidism. An in-law relative of mine has your history including service connected diabetes and he's very ill. The combo platter of diabetes and thyroid disease can be deadly.

Good luck.



4.119 - Schedule of Ratings - Endocrine System

Hypothyroidism manifesting as myxedema (cold intolerance, muscular weakness, cardiovascular involvement (including, but not limited to hypotension, bradycardia, and pericardial effusion), and mental disturbance (including, but not limited to dementia, slowing  of thought and depression)) 100%

Note (1): This evaluation shall continue for six months beyond the date that an examining physician has determined crisis stabilization. Thereafter, the residual effects of hypothyroidism shall be rated under the appropriate diagnostic code(s) within the appropriate body system(s) (e.g., eye, digestive, and mental disorders). Hypothyroidism without myxedema 30%

Note (2): This evaluation shall continue for six months after initial diagnosis. Thereafter, rate residuals of disease or medical treatment under the most appropriate diagnostic code(s) under the appropriate body system (e.g., eye, digestive, mental disorders).

Note (3): If eye involvement, such as exophthalmos, corneal ulcer, blurred vision, or diplopia, is also present due to thyroid disease, also separately evaluate under the appropriate diagnostic code(s) in §4.79, Schedule of Ratings--Eye (such as diplopia (DC 6090) or impairment of central visual acuity (DCs 6061-6066)).

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/hypothyroidism-1