
I filed for a disability for hearing loss. The VA scheduled a C & P exam with a contract company in January. I have submitted three FOIA requests asking for a copy of their report. These FOIA requests were sent over three different months. The VA has not provided the report and I have submitted assistance from Senator Feinstein. Can I do anything else? What are options? Thank you in advance.


Jim's Reply:

Many requests for documents of all sorts are running weeks and months or even years behind because of the pandemic. There is nothing else for you to do. Your Congressperson has no authority to make VA dig out your C & P exam.

The fact of the matter is that the more you insist on your record being pulled to satisfy your request, the further behind it puts your claim for processing. You're apparently raising a fuss so that you can get a copy of your hearing test and even if you got it, there is nothing to be done about it. Every time you make these requests your file is set aside and processing the claim takes longer.

Options? I'd advise you leave that alone and just wait for the result of your claim. If you don't like the result you then appeal. This is how the system works and working with the flow is a lot easier than doing what you're doing. 

VA staff are human and if you push hard enough and annoy the wrong person, your claim can take a long time to resolve. Good luck.


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