Hi Jim. I have been rated 100% disabled since 2019. I live overseas in the Philippines. I go to VA Manila for my service connected disability. My questions are: Are my minor children (ages 12, 10, and 8 yo) automatically enrolled for ChampVA? Does my spouse qualify for ChampVA if she is a non-citizen? Do my minor dependents pay premium for ChampVA? The VA has already approved my spouse and children as my dependents.
Jim's Reply:
You ask a very complex question. The only way I know of to get an accurate answer is to go ahead and apply for the benefits you seek. The application process will determine eligibility and if you run into any problems you may be able to resolve them then.
I'll offer a heads up on a couple of things as you proceed. Everything VA does is different in the Philippines. Over time I've run into impenetrable brick walls at the VA clinic there, when they deny a benefit that's often the end of it. And much the same applies to working with the CHAMPVA offices. They aren't exactly efficient and you'll have to be persistent in getting applications accepted and approved.
Go ahead and apply here. Be very thorough in completing all that's required and then be prepared to do it again. The benefit is well worth the effort it may take to confirm it. Good luck.