
My son just started to receive VA disability benefits and is getting PUA unemployment. Should he make unemployment aware that he is getting disability? He is not getting a full disability check as he was only in 3 years. We just want to make sure he doesn't have to pay anything back and that he is claiming correctly. He has not worked since he got out last year. Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

As you'll read here, each state sets rules for its own offerings. If the application asks for that information then he must accurately provide any details required. If the application doesn't ask for that specific information, I wouldn't try to volunteer it.

Any time we seek any financial benefit we should be very careful to complete an application accurately and truthfully. However, volunteering information that wasn't asked for usually confuses the process and it's best to stay with data the process demands.



Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/pua