Survivors Benefits
When I'm passed away does my spouse get anything from my medically retired benefits? I also get SS disability.
Jim's Reply:
Your spouse may get some benefits. Or not. If you die of a rated disability your spouse may be eligible for DIC benefits. Or not. Now is the time to plan.
The benefits that will be available are varied and depend a lot on the circumstances of your death and so on. I urge vets to plan now and have a will as well as all the VA documents your survivors will need. Your local funeral home will be able to provide you with a lot of free counseling and materials to guide you through the process. Most funeral directors are familiar with all the VA regs and processes for getting you into a national cemetery or one close to home.
Wills and other probate discussions can be a challenge but this is a necessary part of being a're responsible for getting this done. Start here and get your will done. Good luck!