Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and TDIU


Good day Jim, my question is about collecting Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and TDIU. I am TDIU P&T, but also work a seasonal part time job that pays well below the federal poverty line. Last year, I was furloughed for a couple of months from my part time job due to the COVID pandemic and “stay at home” orders during the early lockdown stages of the pandemic. I applied for PUA due to being only part time and being furloughed, but didn’t see any assistance for months and after returning to my part time job that seasonally ended in September. I was eventually back paid PUA, and started getting paid a minimal $131 a week for awhile. My ultimate question is, does PUA (reported on a 1099G) count towards any income I earn, as it relates to my VA TDIU? My part time employment earnings were only about $3800, and my wife earned about $7000 at her part time job. However, throw in the PUA, now I may be above the poverty line. So is PUA counted towards my evaluated incomes? Or it just earned income (W2s) that’s potentially reviewed? Many thanks in advance.


Jim's Reply:

I don't know. I've read through what the DOL has to say on the matter and I still don't know...it simple isn't directly addressed. https://www.dol.gov/coronavirus/unemployment-insurance 

Were I you I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about it. If I had to guess I'd guess that the PUA will not count towards an earned income limit and then affect your TDIU. In the end the TDIU benefit determination is dependent on your income earned from gainful employment and the potential for you to do that in the future so I don't believe you'll hear anything from VA. Good luck.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/federal-pandemic-unemployment-assistance-pua-and-tdiu