TDIU and P&T


I am rated at 90% and receive TDIU benefits by the VA. I have had this rating and designation since 2017. When will the VA consider me P&T.

Jim's Reply:


There are a lot of different factors that cover whether or not a given rating is or will become permanent. You already have the total part covered since TDIU is a total disability rating.

Most 100% mental health ratings are temporary until age 55 unless there are exacerbating conditions that tell the VA that there is very little chance of improvement. Otherwise, VA looks for stability and that occurs over 5 year periods in the VA playbook. The next time you have an exam, ask the examiner to note that you have seemingly stabilized and that you'd like to be rated as permanently 100% disabled. If the examiner makes that note, the rater will follow along.


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