TDIU Death Benefits
With an IU rating, will my spouse qualify for DIC? I thought that to qualify for DIC after I die the condition must be service connected that caused my death. Is IU not based on any service connection, just inability to work full time.
Jim's Reply:
TDIU is grounded in service connection. You won't get a TDIU rating unless your service connected disabling conditions keep you from productive work.
The 100% permanently TDIU rated vet has exactly the same benefits as the 100% permanently schedular vet rated except that the TDIU vet can't work at gainful employment. There are no other differences.
Survivors of the 100% rated TDIU veteran will receive the same benefits as the survivors of the 100% schedular rated vet. In each case the veteran must either die of a rated service connected condition or the 100% rating must have been in place for 10 or more years. After 10 years the vet can pass from any cause and survivors are eligible for DIC.
No matter the overall rating, any veteran who dies of a service connected condition will leave dependents eligible to apply for the DIC benefit.