Prostate Cancer
I am combined 70% Agent Orange Vet (60% ischemic; 20% diabetes). I am applying for prostate cancer disability compensation. Is it sufficient to send a copy of biopsy results from my Patient Report that indicates my Gleason 8 / Grade 4 prostate cancer? I am looking to provide evidence to secure the initial 100% temporary rating for prostate cancer on a quick file application
Jim's Reply:
If the diagnosis of prostate cancer has been made at VA all you need to do is to file the claim. VA will have instant access to your health records at your VA health care facility.
If your diagnosis of prostate cancer was made at a civilian facility you should provide as much of that record as you're able to, including the lab reports you mention.
I advise that we don't skimp on documentation that VA may need thinking to save time. In theory it would seem that all you'd need was the lab report confirming a diagnosis but...this is VA so give them more than they need.
For what it's worth I'm seeing claims like yours resolved within 2 to 4 weeks after submitting the papers to initiate the claim. C & P exams were deferred or over the phone and award letters came soon after. Good luck!