Health Insurance: Medicare Part B?


I been disabled since 2006. I am 100% service connected thru VA. I was deemed disabled thru SS at same time. When I turned 65 my SS disability changed to reg SS. I was thinking after 24 months I automatically was covered on Medicare Do I still need part B?


Jim's Reply:

Part A is automatic and required. Part B is elective and whether or not an individual needs Part B is a personal decision that depends on how much risk you're willing to take. If you're sure you won't need it, then don't take it. 

I take Part B myself and I use it more than I do VA health care these days. Part B is very convenient when we compare services provided and is a pretty good deal all things considered. Keep in mind that if you decide against Part B and then change your mind in the future, you'll pay a penalty in an increased monthly cost.



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