C & P Exams


Good morning Jim. Why does VA send veterans to multiple exams for the same condition? I think I know the answer because of what happened to me. VA deferred one of my claims the first examiner gave me a favorable opinion on. In other words, the examiner had service-connected, secondary to another issue, however, VA did not like that opinion so they deferred it. VA had an IMO done and it came back not in my favor.VA denied my claim. So it appears to me that VA sends veterans for multiple exams so they can deny the veteran benefits. If that is the case, it should be illegal for the VA to do that because it appears that VA was acting in an adversarial way. What do you think Jim? Thanks.

Jim's Reply:

Your theory isn't correct. I wish it were. I'd be much more at ease if I knew for sure that there was a giant top secret conspiracy to deny my benefits. I'd be the first to think the AFGE probably was behind it since I'm pretty sure they're responsible for all the problems at VA.

But, unfortunately, I'd be wrong. The truth is so much worse I have to advise you to remain seated. Airborne Special Forces troops have been known to swoon at this announcement.

Repeat C & P exams are simply a byproduct of the overall inefficiency of the day to day ops at your VA. Your VA can't do anything right the first time. /end/

Without a thorough review of your file on my desk I can't say if VA made an error or not. I can tell you that as often as not something similar will happen and the vet tells me she got an increase to 100%.

The VA is about as anti-Deming as one can get. Rather than doing any task right the first time they rely on a series of quality checks that will then check the quality checker ad nauseum. Years after a claim is settled a random audit may send the veteran into a tailspin for a review which there is no change to be made. They're obsessive crossers of t's and dotters of i's only after the claim is settled and their work contributes to...nada, zip, zero.

The net effect on the veteran is the same though, isn't it? Your option is to appeal and do it with a veterans law attorney in your corner. It won't cost you a dime out of pocket to fight for your benefits. Good luck.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/c-p-exams-3