PTSD and permanence
Thanks for your time and patience Jim! I'm TDIU since 2004, that's 16 years. My daughter was denied chapter 35 due to my rating as temporary not permanent. What's my best path to making my TDIU rating permanent? As I see it I've been trying off and on to manage my PTSD for 16 years and if it hasn't gotten better by now, I don't see it getting better. Thanks again for your time!
Jim's Reply:
That's an unusually long time. As a rule your 100% TDIU rating will become permanent after you've turned age 55 or the condition has become static with no signs of improvement. This is usually initiated by the C & P examiner during one of your 'future exams'.
Your best bet to be rated as permanently and totally disabled so that those Chapter 35 education benefits open up for you daughter will be to ask the examiner during your next scheduled exam.
Good luck.