Hearing Loss & Tinnitus


I am service connected for severe hearing loss and Tinnitis. For the last 5 years I have been seeing Psychologists and Psychiatrist at the KCVA and have been diagnosed with Anxiety, MDD and severe depression associated with the hearing loss and Tinnitis. Should I be filing for compensation for the depression and anxiety as secondary to the hearing loss and Tinnitis? Thank you.

Jim's Reply:


If you believe that your mental health issues are caused, contributed to or aggravated by your hearing loss and tinnitus, yes...you should be filing those claims. Your treating psychiatrist and psychologist should agree with you on the record and then you can file the claim. 

Severe hearing loss and tinnitus have been shown to cause depression and anxiety and a mental health rating is a real option.

Good luck.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/hearing-loss-tinnitus