CRSC Ratings?


I have an IU rating from the VA and a 60% combat rating. The instructions that I have read have led me to believe that I should be compensated 100% combat rating and not limited to my retirement pay. Am I correct in this matter? Also, I believe that DFAS is applying the Chapter 61 Retirees to me.


Jim's Reply:

CRSC benefits eligibility can be one of the more complex of the financial analyses that DFAS is tasked with. I couldn't begin to answer your question without a lot of data from you and then I'd probably end up tossing it right back to DFAS.

In my experience you'll only get a legit answer and explanation by being persistent with DFAS inquiries. As frustrating as that can be, persistence pays at VA and DoD and DFAS is no different.

You've probably seen this resource site but it's a pretty good start to understand just how detailed this can become.

Ultimately you may need to seek the services of a veterans law attorney who has some experience in accounting and the CRDP/CRSC benefits. Good luck.


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