Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Surviving Spouses, Children, and Parents

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Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Surviving Spouses, Children, and Parents

Learn about this tax-free monthly benefit paid by the VA to certain eligible survivors of military servicemembers and veterans.
VA pension


Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a tax-free monthly benefit paid by the VA to eligible survivors of the following:

  • a military service member who died while on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training;
  • a veteran whose death resulted from a service-related injury or disease;
  • a veteran whose death resulted from a non-service related injury or disease but who was receiving (or entitled to receive) VA compensation for service-related disability that was rated as totally disabling for a specified period of time.

The basic monthly rate of DIC is $1,283 for an eligible surviving spouse and is increased if there are dependent children or other special circumstances.  A spouse's Survivor Benefits Plan (SBP) annuity is reduced by any DIC amount received.


Checking your eligibility


As a surviving spouse:


* If you remarried on or after December 16, 2003, and you were 57 years of age or older at the time, you may still be eligible.


See the VA website for more details as a surviving spouse.




As a surviving child:



*If you were adopted out of the Veteran’s or service member’s family, but meet all other eligibility criteria, you may still be eligible.


See the VA website for more details as a surviving child.




As a surviving parent:




See the VA website for more details as a surviving parents and the parents DIC rate table.



Learn more

Get more information about the DIC program, including how to apply.



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