
I worked with TCE unprotected for 2 years .. I was diagnosed with Parkinsonism in 2010 by the VA neurologist i 2010. My case is not passed on by family and he asked me if I had worked with nuro toxins. I told him the exposures and he shook his head and said 'I'm sorry'. You say an IMO is very help full... can you please give contacts so that I can forward to my Lawyers who have been working on my case since 2008. Thank you in advance for any help

Jim's Reply:


Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a very common solvent with many military applications. I recall using it to clean stored weapons of their cosmoline coating and to demineralize hospital steam autoclave exhausts.

VA sees a great many disability claims involving TCE. I'd like for you to take a moment and use the BVA decision search tool and look for cases (appeals) similar to yours. Using the tool is self explanatory, use words like <TCE Parkinsonism> and search different years to see how other cases have been adjudicated.

Once you've become familiar with what it takes to prevail with such a claim, talk with any of the physicians who you'll meet here. Each of these disability experts will be able to address the issues of TCE exposure with you. Good luck.



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