Hello Jim, I have a question about my disability that is at 80%. I am in the Air Force Reserve, and at the end of the year, I am required to pay back a portion of my disability. I need to talk to someone about getting out or staying in. What would happen to my 80% if I decide to stay in until I reach my 20 year mark? I am at 12 years this coming January.
Jim's Reply:
I doubt anything will happen to your 80% rating. Disability ratings aren't graded on longevity, only the seriousness of the rated condition.
Yes, you're required to pay back the time you spend on "active duty for training" just as you would give up the rating were you to be called up. That's pretty standard stuff.
From my perspective your rating won't be affected by anything you do with your career. Your rating came from a period when you were active duty, you earned that rating and you'll keep it forever.
If you enjoy the Reserves and find value, stay for the 20. Eight years isn't really all that long, right?