SSI, TDIU and retro SSI benefits
I've been on 100% TDIU for 20 years. Turned 70 Dec 13th 2018 and applied for SSI (NOT SSDI) in Aug 2019. SS paid me retro from January since I'd waited 'til 70 yrs of age. Can I receive SSI and retro pay and TDIU simultaneously? Per the VA's telephone advice, I have not touched any TDIU payments and have stashed all into savings in case they want it all back. In a letter, they said I could expect to hear from them in about June due to backlog and I suppose even that will extend due to all this Covid hullaballoo, Just tryin' to play by the rules... Thank you kindly Jim.
Jim's Reply:
I don't know for sure if you're able to receive SSI + retro pay and TDIU simultaneously but I have doubts. SSI is a means tested (income limited) benefit and that you're receiving the 100% TDIU benefit will likely set your income high enough that you aren't eligible for SSI.
Since TDIU isn't a means tested benefit, I don't see where you'll have any problems with your VA benefit. I'm not sure how it happened that you were approved for SSI when you receive the relatively healthy TDIU payment but I worry a mistake has been made and that eventually there will be a clawback of the SSI money.
I'm also a bit confused as to how you receive SSI rather than SSA retirement at your age? If I were you, I'd evaluate all that I have going on to be sure that it's all legit. Assume that eventually someone will want some money back and prepare for that.