Does VA track tax filings
Thank you for the reply in another email. Just as a follow up question, if I do work at all, does the VA pull tax records on reexamination reviews and see how much is made? I’ve always heard the term “gainful employment” and wasn’t sure if that applied to ratings reached by means of a scheduler rating and not from TDIU. I just don’t want to jeopardize my 100% rating in any way. Thanks again. Notes from previous email. I am 100% for PTSD and also have other ratings. My PTSD rating is scheduled for reexamination in a few years. I do not believe the VA would pull tax info if I am not TDIU, but wanted to ask someone who would know better. I don’t want to try and work and somehow mess up my rating in any way. Most everything I have read says there are no restrictions at all for any scheduler rated veteran. Thanks for your time!
Jim's Reply:
No, VA isn't interested in tax records when a future exam is conducted.