IHD Claim in response to Agent Orange?
I'm rated 90% (50% PTSD, L knee 60%, DM2 20%, Neuropathy 10% each leg, all granted for Agent Orange Exposure and 10% Tinnitus .I had a heart attack 19 yrs ago (was a electrical problem SVT 300BPM...Had 2 EPS; last one said I have a 10% chance of recurrence. I have sob and chest pain monthly, but my heart hasn't raced up. Should I put in a claim for Ischemic Heart Disease because of Agent Orange exposure?
Jim's Reply:
Do you have a diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease? If your medical record clearly states that you have IHD, then yes, you should claim that. If the medical record isn't clear whether or not you have IHD, ask one of your doctors to make that very clear in the record and file the claim.