100% PTSD rating


Jim, I was rated 100% for PTSD recently and have a few questions. 1. Should I continue to try and service connect other conditions or ask for increases on the other issues I have? Or will doing so open me up for a possible reduction of my PTSD which itself is 100%. I know they can re-evaluate things and I’m actually scheduled for a re-exam in a few years. 2. On that re-exam, if my medical records with the VA are up to date and show no improvement (it’s getting worse) what is the general likelihood they lower a 100 percent rating? I know you can’t give a definite answer here, just what is your general expertise with this sort of thing? 3. Am I allowed to work at all right now? Will the VA even know if I attempt to work if I’m not TDIU? Thanks for your time

Jim's Reply:

1) That depends on what the conditions are. If these are Hail Mary shots that somehow might be service connected, don't file claims because that opens you up to a total review. If you have a future exam scheduled, your rating is temporary and may be reduced at any time if sustained, measurable improvement is observed.

2) If your condition is static or worse, your rating shouldn't change. If there is sustained, measurable improvement the rating may fall.

3) If your temporary rating isn't arrived at via the TDIU process, you're allowed to work. Productive work is the best therapy of all, no doubt about it. Go for it.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/100-ptsd-rating