Really bad C & P Exams


Hi Jim, I just went through some really bad C & P exams. I'm now working with a new doctor for MH claim. I am not sure what to put on the 4138 to request a new C&P exam. I recorded it and the examiners absolutely lied on the document they filed. I had 4 exams and 3 were terrible,  all by VES. Is there any magic wording I should put on the 4138 to get a fair exam or do I wait for the denial which will come because of this bs exam and then appeal?  It seems to me that process can take forever. Please let me know.

Jim's Reply:

There is no way to ask for a new exam without sending the entire claim off the tracks. Once you do that you become suspect as a person who can't complete the process and you can really bungle up your claim. Wait for a denial and appeal if necessary.


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