Hi Jim, I recently was awarded IU last year. I wanted to file for foot drop secondary to my lower back which I have a rating of 40% combined with all the other sc combined is 80%. I just read that if you are receiving IU when you reach retirement age of 67 you will no longer receive IU and it would be switched to Social Security disability. Does that mean that I will still receive my 80% plus social security? Wouldn't Schedular rating 100% be beneficial then IU? Because your looking at $1300 decrease in benefits. I don't know Jim help me understand.
Jim's Reply:
No...that isn't happening although there's plenty of chatter about it. It's an old rumor that had some legitimacy to it because there are people in Washington who think that's a good idea. But cutting veterans benefits is one of those 3rd rail things that politicians won't touch so that isn't on any agenda. Having said that, we can't predict the future and veterans may be compensated differently 15 years from now but those of us who have TDIU will be grandfathered change for us. Yes, it's something to be concerned about and to voice your opinion to your Congresspersons,'s not happening to you.