Vietnam Vet with health issues has never been to the VA
My husband is a Vietnam vet, was in Danang. He has CAD, had by-pass, valve replacement, heart attack among many other problems but he has never been to the VA. Should we try to pursue this through the VFW or try to get into VA on our own?
Jim's Reply:
Your veteran is eligible for a number of benefits including health care, disability pay and any number of other benefits he earned through his honorable service. The first step is to register for health care here Follow the instructions you'll find there or if it's easier, head to a local VA health facility and they'll register him on the spot. He should file a disability claim for the heart disease. You can help him with that by looking here or you may want to look for a veterans service officer (VFW, DAV, etc.) at the local VA health facility. There are state benefits available too, click here for more information about them.