VA Overpayment Situation?


On Apr 8, 2019, VA sent me a rating decision letter proposing to reduce my 100% prostate cancer disability to 60% and this would not take effect until 60 days after VA final decision. April 8 – Dec 8 equals 8 months and they are still sending me 100%, so I don’t know if someone at VA made a mistake by still sending me 100% AND I SURE DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO PAY BACK ANY FUNDS. Maybe I am reading this wrong and I would appreciate your comments.

Jim's Reply:

You're likely being overpaid, because of some sort of error being made. You should write a brief and formal letter to VA informing them of what's happened. Send the letter via certified mail and save the receipt. The VA should respond within 60 days to tell you what's happened. Send the letter here;

V A Claims Intake Center
PO BOX 4444

53547- 4444


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