DFAS wants back severance pay and insurance


I was injured in Afghanistan 2006, placed on med hold and put on TDRL in 2009 40%.  then in 2012 after a re evaluation and hearing at the navy yard in DC,  I was separated . I got severance pay and was also given a letter that my injury was combat zone combat related . I disagreed with my separation and went for a BCNR which I won in 2018. Now DFAS wants me to pay back the severance pay plus they want me to pay survivor death benefit insurance for all that time.  I don't receive my pension as I had only 15 years of service and the CRSC was also denied. I am 100% VA .

Jim's Reply:

This is a good article about how to fight back when DoD or VA come after you for debt they created -- which you can read here.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/dfas-wants-back-severance-pay-and-insurance