Documenting my VA rating: IU, TDIU, P&T ??
Ok , I'm very confused. By the way, thanks for your work: many veterans appreciate what you do. I am rated 100% based on my difficulty to obtain and maintain a gainful employment. But the VA would NOT generate no letters or nothing and I say nothing that states that I am a permanent and total TDIU or like many call it TDIU P&T. Therefore my daughter is getting denied Chapter 35 and I can't get my tax exemption the way is supposed to be, or my dental and disabled license plates. So my question is: am I Temporary Disabled Individual Unemployed, or Total Disabled Individual Unemployed, or just plain IU like it said in my decision letter. There is nothing there that says I'm TDIU. And I'm receiving SSDI benefits by the way. Thanks.
Jim's Reply:
It sounds as if you are rated as permanently and totally (P & T) disabled via the TDIU (Total Disability, Individual Unemployability) benefit. The TDIU benefit is a sort of short-cut to a 100% rating. There is often an underlying rating of 60% or greater with the final rating being 100%. Each state and region demands a letter to prove a 100% rating for their benefit license plates or tax exemptions. When the letter says "rated at 80% and TDIU," nobody understands this means a 100% rating. You have to print your own letter on your eBenefits account and design it to fit the specs of whatever agency demand you're trying to meet. Click here for information.